Monday, July 5, 2010

Finally Official: After Twenty Years I have Developed Periodontitis

The result of the meeting with my holistic dentist last week: Middle periodontal disease. Some of my teeth have pockets of 4 - 6, several have decaying gum and exposed roots. From the first time I went to my holistic dentist three weeks ago to last week, I lost another two teeth and also have decaying gums and exposed roots on those now.

Perhaps you can imagine how desperate I am. Not only that it looks awful; it shows that something isn't right with my body and it is getting worse now. If I look back I always knew something wasn't right but I guess I didn't take the responsibility and educated myself. I counted on dentists telling me what I have and what I can do.

I know I repeat myself. Having swollen and infected gums for over twenty years and now decaying gums should teach me a lesson, you would think. Did it but only three weeks ago. I lived in a fairy tale before believing everything would be ok again and that the gums would grow back.

My holistic dentist took this fairy tale away from me. She told me last week that I need a deep dental cleaning to stop my periodontitis and decaying gums. It will also help to deep clean my exposed roots.

It was a shock for me. I always heard about it but never imagine I could have it. Funny. I didn't realize that I had gingivitis as I got my first deep cleaning. I always knew something wasn't right because my swollen, bleeding and infected gums would only improve a little but never go away totally. And now I have it in a written form: I have the periodontitis gum disease.

The next step will be to put caps on my upper teeth to even them out and improve my bite. At the moment my bite is totally out of balance. Only two teeth touch each other. When I close my teeth, all other teeth rub on each other and irritate and push my gums.

As soon as the new caps even out my bite my holistic dentist will prepare braces for my lower teeth for the daytime and other braces for the upper teeth for the nighttime. The braces will not be permanent so I can take them out what is great for my proper dental cleaning.

My first treatments will start tomorrow. I am excited and scared at the same time. I really want that this peridontitis gum disease stops but I am scared that whatever I try holistic will not help and I finally need an operation.

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